Saturday, March 10, 2007

IB Membership Options a Clarification...........

A BRIEF OUTLINE of the 3 OPTIONS to Choose from when you Join Instant Buzz

IB Free

IB Pro Upgrade

IB Elite

1.Credits for your own surfing
2.Credits from People you refer to IB
3.Credits for all the people in your downline !
4.Only 2 ads at any 1 time,(no HTML)so quite limited and slow, in terms of testing your ads.

All the Free options plus...

After you join at the Free level,it costs you $149 to upgrade and provides you with HTML ads and allows 10 ads instead of 2 to be tested at any one time.

All the Free options plus...

Best option if you have the $197.Since it gives you 25 HTML ads to run at once ,plus you get some 'freebie' software you can use to try and help you promote and enrol others.

I think this is really the best way to go if you possibly can,since it gives you the option to do a lot of testing all at once. (Lets face it ,you will need to do a lot of testing ,if you want to improve these ads.) This way it's much faster to test and improve your ads.

TIP #1:

  • Contrary to what a lot of people think on the IB forum,you can get Elite membership,after you join ! Here's how.......

    Just sign up under a new email after un-installing IB from your browser.You will of course start from scratch,in terms of your downline !

  • If You provide helpful feedback,I can provide better info !

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