Monday, March 12, 2007

OK....... so you might have joined Instant Buzz or still be thinking if it will work for you,so did I !

Until I found the following very handy resource for getting some tips and advice from Ibuzz Pros like Pauli Sabol,James Grandstaff and Kevin Anderson.

You can do a search on any of these guys if you haven't heard of them already !They are some of the very top performers and users of Ibuzz.
And the ideas they share in this Free Ibuzz Mastery ebook are worth the read,and will help you to save time , money and most of all frustration,(because you'll get some of their valuable ideas and avoid some of the common errors starting out !).

Things that helped me especially were......
  • Paulis' comments convinced me it's better to go Elite in Ibuzz.

  • Revealing and surprising comments about the use of Mailspace and

  • 2 things that improve the performance of your ads ,a Lot !

  • Tricks to Personalize your Bar Ads,and why you should do it.

  • What promotes well and what doesn't on IB

  • Since I want Lots of Traffic from Ibuzz,What should I do to get it ?!

If you want the detailed answers to the above and a lot more !!

Get Instant Buzz Mastery now........ Click Here

P.S.: Don't forget to drop by ,for more info to get the most out of IBuzz !

PPS: As always your feedback and comments ,will help make this a better Blog !

Go Here

Regards Christian

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