Friday, April 6, 2007

IBuzz Mastery Memebership Levels and Their Benefits

I thought it would help to Summarise and Clarify the 3 levels of IB Mastery Memeberships.

Especially as the costs are different ,depending on when you upgrade !

And because I found it very confusing when I joined,(at Silver level initially and then upgraded to Gold,to get the rebranding rights.)

So its worth thinking it over,beforehand.

Free Memebership:

  • Ibuzz Mastery ebook to read and learn from some of the pros .
  • Another Traffic Toolbar ,with more features and similar credits system.
    (So you earn double credits.)
  • $50 of credits to a Ppc search engine called
    (You can use this PPC to promote your products or get some more traffic.I haven't tried it yet,but will report on it once I have.)

Silver Memebership:

  • Cost $9.97USD or $19.97 if you upgrade after signing up.
  • All of the Free Benefits,plus....
  • Step by Step video on setting up Ibuzz,I found this video very helpful.
    (In fact it wasn't until I viewed this video that I really understodd the benefits of Ibuzz as a promotion medium,and I have known about Ibuzz for years !)
  • Additional Training with some of the Pros intervieweed in the ebook(mastery),this is very good as it gives a lot of added info on what to do with traffic exchanges,as well as lots of other exchanges to join.Their features and benefits.
  • Case studies of Ibuzz ads,discussion of their results,and why.
  • Free Ad Report,which discusses different Free advertising and low cost methods,this is good too I've read it.

Gold Memebership:

  • Cost $67USD or $97 if you upgrade after joining the Free or Silver levels.
  • All of the above Plus.....
  • You get the “rebrandable” version of the ebook.

i) This allows you to put your own affiliate links inside the ebook,instead of the owners.
Hence you get paid for any upgrades these people do to Silver($5.0USD) or Gold($33.5 or $47.5USD depending on when they join, straight off or afterwards as a upgrade.
So this becomes another profit centre for you.(This is based on the 50% commission on the two affiliate programs.)
(This is explained in side the rebrander doc.)

ii) Also anyone that joins through your links inside this ebook,goes in your downline,both in
IBuzz and Ibuzz Mastery,(assuming they join both through your links,in the ebook).
Hence you now get more credits.

iii) You can then email those that you've personally sponsored into Ibuzz Mastery ,once per week ,with your own promos etc.So you are also building a list for yourself.

  • 10,000 credits towards your ads in Ibuzz.Very handy for starting your ad testing.
  • You also get several downloads of ebooks that are helpful,towards building your list,squeeze pages,affiliate program and ebooks.(All looks like good stuff,but I haven't as yet read these ,so will report more when I have .)

Get Instant Buzz Mastery now........ Click Here

P.S.: Don't forget to drop by ,for more info to get the most out of IBuzz !
PPS: As always your feedback and comments ,will help make this a better Blog ! Go Here

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