Friday, April 6, 2007

Useful resource for Baner Ad Ideas

Helpful Tip: Ideas for “Effective Ibuzz Ads”

If you're looking for ideas for “effective Ibuzz Ads”,go to “Your Info “in the left hand bar of your Ibuzz Memebers Area,click this .On the LHS near the bottom you'll find the “Browse the Bar Ad Que”,this dispalys the current Que of Ibuzz Ads,you'll find a lot of good layout and text ideas.
Plus some interesting Ads you may want to look at yourself !

I am into Adwords and found the Best Short Report I have ever read on Adwords by doing the above, see it here....The 2 Minute Report Highly Recommended !

P.S.: Don't forget to drop by ,for more info to get the most out of IBuzz !
PPS: As always your feedback and comments ,will help make this a better Blog !
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